My Malamutes are just that, mine. They are not show dogs, they are not passed around from show person to show person, they are not with "handlers". They are never passed around from breeder to breeder.
They are my companions, my best friends, my hiking buddies, trail buddies or just hanging out in the yard buddies.
They are not "property"
They are what I love, my passion.
Sometimes they are clean, sometimes they are groomed and sometimes they are dirty.
We live a fun life. My malamute's opinions matter to me. Their smiles matter to me.
** These are dogs I currently have plus one indoor rescue companion dog.
I always list all of my dogs. I don't hide dogs or neglect to show what I have. I never claim to have more or less dogs than I do.
We also have 2 properties and sometimes we do have a few at the other properties mostly to separate males during heat cycles.
3rd place
AMCA Nationals
Our first competition
we took 3rd
National Western Stock Show
It is not necessary to show dogs to in order to have quality dogs. It is not necessary to spend endless amounts of money on health tests to have healthy dogs either.
Some of my bloodlines are very special and I am very privileged to have them. They have a long history of working dogs dating back at least the 1930s. These lines/dogs have a history of doing freighting and arctic expeditions true to the original breed. This line includes Taaralaste, Storm Kloud, Husky Pak, Uyak, Tote-Um, Targhee, North Wind. These lines are not lines you will find in common BYB lines.
The Taaralaste line is the true M'Loot freighting line from Alaska. In the 1960's, this specific line was used to haul freight to climbers and explorers to Mt McKinley National Park. They were also used to patrol the park in winter months. It is currently still being used today by Joe Henderson in Alaska ( Alaskan Arctic Expeditions ). Joe is still doing Alaskan Expeditions with his team of 22 malamutes. He uses malamutes to their full potential on remote expeditions in the Arctic and interior Alaska. He has one of the largest working Alaskan Malamute kennels in the world. He strives to maintain an outstanding working breed of malamutes that truly exemplifies their inherent strength, courage, and loyalty.
We believe this history is far more important to the breed than simply and only showing a dog and proving confirmation. Though we do not do expeditions, our dogs live in bitter arctic conditions here in the mountains in the winter, their coats do what they are supposed to do. Their feet are large and well furred, protecting their feet from harsh environments. Our dogs are very strong and well balanced and can run on all natural terrains with no problems. They have amazing instincts when it comes to snow and icy creeks. Some of our dogs have willingly and happily done sledding, hiking, backpacking, weight pulling. It is important to know their willingness and ability to do what they were originally bred to do.
Malamutes are generally a healthy breed. I believe most health issues are not hereditary. I believe a lot of health issues in all breeds come from too many vaccines or overuse, overuse of antibiotics, flea and heartworm meds, early spay and neuter, and the overuse of all pharmaceutical drugs. Too many rely on vets and just accept what they prescribe without looking to all natural safe alternative treatments. Over the years and through generations, this has hurt our beloved pets.
My dogs are raised as all natural as possible and are living proof of the difference this makes.
They are not perfect, but they do not have the many health issues many dogs suffer from.
The few health issues within the breed that are hereditary, have not shown up in our pups. We have worked with our lines for many years and many generations. With the exception of a few lines we have brought in. Any sign of any issue, we quickly stop that line.
Hard to believe he is 10 yrs old